Artists Activists Favorite 



Jan 1 2011


Ghana, Haiti, Colombia

ArtistsActivists is a youth empowerment and advocacy organization started in 2011 by graduate students at Yale University. Through the various ArtistsActivists programs, artists and designers share their skills with young people around the world. Since more people are joining our team bringing with them certain skills and project ideas, the Artists Activists mission is constantly evolving. This is how we like it.Our projects range from architecture projects, to workshops about photography and art, to radio programs that also teach agriculture.

(above text taken from Artists Activists website)

The projcts that Artists Activists run in Kenya, Turkey, Colombia, Haiti, and Ghana allow children to gain artistic skills that they can continue using after Artists Activists leave. Photography, Art, and Architecutre are among the topics taught and the projects often center around one project that is driven by specific interest. For example, Tully McLoughlin ran a project in Ghana which taught youth how to run a radio station and the group decided to broadcast information regarding best agricultrual practices over the radio. Therefore, the youth not only learned new and valuable skills but were able to encorporate said skills into their life in a meaningful and useful way.

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