Women on Waves Creates Hoax Website under the Diesel brand to Stand for Worker's Rights Favorite 



Feb 3 2012



A press release from the non-profit  organization - Women on Waves - regarding the intention of the creation of the Diesel for Women hoax website, pointing out the mistreatment of women workers in the fashion industry. This blurb and included images are taken directly from the Diesel for Women website:"BY Women on waves on February 4, 2012

Fashion industry violate women's rights

A new initiative by fashion brand
Diesel to improve working conditions and to provide free abortion pills
to its female factory workers could have been an appropriate gesture
by Diesel. Diesel is one of the fashion brands that uses production
factories that refuse to pay a living wage to their workers, violates
their human rights and forces them to work in dangerous and unhealthy
 Misopolis (www.dieselforwomen.com) claimed to provide free abortion pills to its female workers in order to set them free and to create a fun factory.
This is, of course, a hoax, aimed at the garment industry to expose the violation of workers rights.[1]
The hoax was devised by Women on
Waves and Women on Web, both non-profit organizations concerned with
women’s human rights and specifically with access to safe medical
abortion. The organizations worked with the Yes Lab, which is a project of The Yes Men to help activist groups carry out media-savvy creative actions on their own.
response to the hoax, Diesel send a letter threatening to take legal
action, which was followed by a letter of the React group which is an
organization in fighting counterfeit trade.  (see the letters under
press on the dieselforwomen.com website)
Women on Waves denies that it
commits any infringements on any trademarks/copyrighted materials.
Diesel for Women stands for fueling women’s rights.
Women on Waves designed the hoax
to expose the violations of women’s rights that take place in the
garment industry. The hoax is a parody on the PR campaigns and the
reluctance to address human rights by the fashion industry in general
and Diesel in particular. It intends to show that violations of human
rights never happen in isolation and that the right to a safe abortion
is connected with the broader framework of social rights, workers
rights and the right to autonomy.
The website and content are thus protected by the freedom of expression as guaranteed in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights Article 19, "Everyone has the right to
freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

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