Monument #1 Favorite 



Mar 22 2017



MONUMENT #1 is a series of sculptures by the Bulgarian artist and designer Erka, created in collaboration with Fine Acts. The work seeks to raise awareness about the lack of monuments honoring notable women in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria - a EU member state.

The brightly-coloured busts were placed at some of the most central locations across Sofia during a covert early-morning action on Wednesday, March 22.

According to official data from the Sofia municipality, there are no monuments of women historical figures in the city, and less than 6% of all memorials (most of which plaques) are dedicated to women.

“The key point of the intervention is to reclaim public space. Public space, much like history, belongs to women too - this is why we want to assert our rightful place. In Bulgaria’s past there are many incredible, inspiring women, but their accomplishments are erased from public memory”, says Erka.

“The sculptures are a portrait of me. I wanted to take a strong personal, public stance as a contemporary woman and artist and say - enough. However, they are also anonymous, as they do not bear my name, just a sign: “The first monument of a woman in Sofia”. In these sculptures I am every woman. With this work I want to give women what they are entitled to but have been denied for decades - a place, visibility and recognition”, says the artist.

For this art intervention Fine Acts teamed up with the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC), the country’s leading human rights group, and got the support of the ad agency Tribal Worldwide Sofia.

Posted by ChrisC on

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How does this project help?

Timeframe For change


This project is effective in amplifying gender inequity/sexism issues in the area of history/memory, and works affectively by creating a shock value through the vibrant colors and feminine figure that are not typically seen in this context. The placing of these figures in front of institution buildings also adds to this a/effect. An aspect of audience engagement would have been good to add in terms of enhancing the aeffectiveness of the project. For instance, there could have been a QR code/link included at the base of the statues that would lead to a petition and/or survey that asked the audience to sign if they wish to see more representation of histotrical women figures, and provide a name/example of such a person they think should be commemorated.