"blood-stained wedding dress, wounded bride" Favorite 



Feb 14 2012



On February 14, 2012, three female college student volunteers wore blood-stained wedding dresses and appeared as "wounded brides" in Beijing Qianmen Pedestrian Street. They held up "violence is around, are you still silent?!" and other advocated signs to take photos and display, walking along Qianmen Street and shouting "beating is not a kiss, cursing is not love, don't be violent.” At the same time, volunteers distributed anti-violence flyers to passers-by. This was also the first street performance art activity against violence against women in Beijing on Valentine's Day.

According to Ashes (a pseudonym), one of the initiators of this performance art, she is also a victim of partner violence. This "blood-stained wedding dress, wounded bride" event was inspired by an anti-violence event in Turkey last year to arouse the attention of society and the public to the issue of partner violence. Choosing this event to be held on Valentine's Day, a festival full of romantic love, is also to remind people who are immersed in happy and sweet love that violence may also be hidden in intimate relationships, and women's violence does not only come from strangers.

Posted by JiaxinWang on

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