Play Safe 1 Favorite 



Jan 1 2012


Across the USA

Play Safe is a documentary film series created and directed by NYU alum Eddie Einbinder. The film, much of which now appears for free on YouTube, was originally released in 2013 after being filmed between 2011 and 2012. It debuted at the International Harm Reduction conference in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2013. The film continues to screen at institutions around the globe, including a yearly ritual of Eddie coming in to show the film for free to NYU SSDP (Students for a Sensible Drug Policy).

The film is broken down in to many sections, all of which document the real life use of a certain drug, usually consumed by one or two people as Eddie interacts with the user and asks them questions about their experience. The film is based heavily around the concept of harm reduction, and consistently maintains a tone of slight distance as Eddie captures his subjects as objectively as he possibly can. Of course, sometimes this can become an issue when a user seems to be close to overdose or when they have a complete meltdown on camera. It is these moments that make the film so compelling.

Play Safe acts as a great tool and introduction into the realities of drug use, both good and bad. Anyone interested in this topic should watch the clips available on YouTube immediately. This film acts as a great example of education based art activism.

Posted by jl3020 on

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