14-15-16 February 2014
Meeting to discuss experiences and reflect on the concept of creativity as a tool for transformation.
Wanting to lead meetings, spread and sharing different routes of change, catching action and collective intelligence . Re.colectivo Association proposed a coexistence weekend of 13 people at the headquarters of the Cultural Association in Camás , Asturian countryside.
To boost the collaborative format we invite the participants to reflect and create everyday actions against the “passivity” in a wild environment.
We offer our space available to the necessity of a change in our reality. Our objetive is to accompany and facilitate resources for reflection and experimentation through a collaborative and transdisciplinary process.
The subject is focus on different methods and examples of live in a critical and creative way.
- What could be passive attitudes?
Passive attitudes could be considered all that inactivity caused by blockages, misinformation, conformism, isolation, caused by disinterest or laziness.
- What could be activation strategies?
Activation Strategies could be considered all those customs, techniques, methods, tools or critical impulses that questioning the established culture and society.
- Why collaborative?
The content of the meeting will be constructed collaboratively, which means that the activities will be proposed by both; participants and organizers.
- How to contribute
Think about how you could enrich and contribute in the meeting,, what you could share....
Microworkshops, reflections, performance, screenings, projects presentations, activities, shows, games ... or whatever that ends in "ing".
The Meeting "Re.Activium Silvestre" is part of the project "Masta handbook - practical guide of creative activism" collaborative manual on different methodologies, best practices and experiences around the Creative Activism.
MORE INFO: www.recolectivo.net/
Masta Platform (Berlin, Germany) www.mastazine.net/
Yetooponese Association (Oviedo, Asturias). www.yetooponese.net