Rise, Resist & Unite...V-Day & The Vagina Monolouges Favorite
Back after a five year hiatus, V-Day Sedona joins with hundreds of other productions across the globe in celebrating V-Day’s 20th anniversary with an act of artistic activism. For its 20th anniversary, V-Day is calling on activists around the world to Rise, Resist and Unite.
Woman from all walks of life have performed in past V-Day Sedona productions. All interested are invited and encouraged to audition, no experience is necessary. Some of the most powerful performances have come from those with no previous experience. There is no need to prepare anything, all readings will be done cold from the script.
“Each year about 80 percent of the women involved have never done anything like this before,” says Director and V-Day Sedona Organizer Mindy Mendelsohn, “They bring their authenticity, their open hearts and are amazing. Everyone involved finds their life changed, I am deeply moved by their power and poignancy each year.”
On Saturday, Feb. 17 at 7:30 p.m., V-Day Sedona will present a one-night only benefit reading of Eve Ensler’s award winning play The Vagina Monologues at The Sedona Creative Life Center.
Over the past two decades, tens of thousands of communities and college campuses have staged V-Day benefit performances of The Vagina Monologues – and other artistic works, campaigns & Risings– in over 200 countries and territories. V-Day activists have raised consciousness, changed laws to protect women and girls, funded rape crisis centers and domestic violence shelters, educated their communities, and raised well over $100 million in urgently needed funds for groups doing the essential work of ending violence and serving survivors and their families.
The New York Times called The Vagina Monologues, “probably the most important piece of political theater of the last decade.” The play - first performed Off-Broadway and in locations around the world by Ms. Ensler - dives into the mystery, humor, pain, power, wisdom, outrage and excitement in women’s experiences. V–Day grew out of the play which exploded onto the scene in 1998, breaking taboos about women’s sexuality and shattering silence around violence done to women and girls.
The Vagina Monologues will be performed at the Sedona Creative Life Center at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 17. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased online at www.brownpapertickets.com.
Join V-Day Sedona and celebrate The 20th anniversary of The Vagina Monologues and the Founding of V-Day, the Global Activist Movement to End Violence Against Women and Girls.
Proceeds from the V-Day Sedona production will benefit the Verde Valley Sanctuary which operates a 28 bed domestic violence shelter for women and their children seeking safe haven from domestic abuse. Shelter services include counseling for both women and children; legal advocacy; and case management through which each woman assesses her own needs and is offered support in meeting her goals re work, housing and re-establishing a home in the community. For more information about the Sanctuary please visit their website at www.verdevalleysanctuary.org
Over these past two decades V-Day has had an improbable journey, charting a path that has been unparalleled - tens of thousands of communities and college campuses have staged benefit performances of The Vagina Monologues – and other works and campaigns created by V-Day – in over 200 countries and territories. V-Day activists have raised consciousness, changed laws to protect women and girls, funded rape crisis centers and domestic violence shelters (often times these much needed funds kept them from closing), educated their communities, and raised well over $100 million in urgently needed funds for groups doing the essential work of ending violence and serving survivors and their families. From the Congo, where V-Day supports the City of Joy, a leadership center for survivors of violence where women can heal themselves, to One Billion Rising, the largest mass action to stop violence against women in history, to its work with a broad coalition of groups advocating for an end to workplace violence for women, including nurses, hotel workers, farm workers, restaurant workers and more, V-Day has its pulse on issues women face across the globe.
V-Day Sedona is a local effort within the worldwide context of the 20th anniversary V-Day Campaign. Join us and celebrate The 20th anniversary of The Vagina Monologues and the Founding of V-Day, the Global Activist Movement to End Violence Against Women and Girls.
To learn more about V-Day Sedona, call Mindy Mendelsohn at 213-268-0641 or find them on facebook at www.facebook.com/VDaySedona. To learn more about V-Day and its campaigns visit www.vday.org.