South Korean public transport not designed for disabled people Favorite 



Jan 27 2023


Seoul South Korea

Public transport in South Korea, Kyoung-seok says, is not designed for disabled people: "A normal journey can take twice or three times as long for a disabled person, compared to a non-disabled person." Kyoung-seok was involved in a hang-gliding accident in 1984, making him paraplegic at the age of 24. He has been fighting for equal access to public transport for a long time - he is now the face of disability rights in South Korea, where he leads the group Solidarity Against Disability Discrimination (SADD). Kyoung-seok and fellow other activists have been fighting for an increase in funding for the installation of lifts at all subay stations in order to make public transportation more acessible for wheelchair users. Kyeong-seok and the other activists have been protesting mostly during the morning rush hour where they block entry to trains and disrupt major lines. They have stated while the protests are about infrastructure and public spending, the root of the problem is much deeper. To many protestors, it is a reflection of South Korean attitudes towards disabled people. The gap between the rights of disabled and non-disabled people in South Korea is huge.
The problem has gotten so big to the point that Seoul's mayor, Oh Se-Hoon has said zero tolerance towards these protests and said in a Facebook post, "I can no longer overlook the damage and inconvenience inflicted on ordinary citizens." These disabled protestors say that even the language that was used by the mayor proves their point in which they are not even considered ordinary citizens.

Posted by justinsbjang on

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