Art in Odd Places (AiOP) presents visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces. AiOP also produces an annual festival along 14th Street in Manhattan, NYC from Avenue C to the Hudson River each October.
"Fallen Fruit invites the public to bring homegrown or street-picked fruit and collaborate with us in making a collective fruit jams. Working without recipes, we ask people to sit with others they do not already know and negotiate what kind of jam to make: if I have lemons and you have figs, we’d make lemon fig jam (with lavender). Each jam is a social experiment.
*We would like to thank everyone who who participated in a very successful first Butterflies for Bealtaine*
For the month of May, we invited all ages to creatively respond to the theme of The Butterfly and to share a change they wish for on a personal, community or global level.
In Ireland as in many parts of the world we have been in a quarantine situation because of the global pandemic. This environment informed our project.
Artist Nathaniel Ruleaux leads a community project called “To See If I Could Go Home: A True History Paste-Up” at the Union for Contemporary Art in Omaha on Thursday. His son, Luca, 3, walks away after handing Ruleaux a print to use to demonstrate the project. A member of the Oglala Lakota Nation, Ruleaux often uses his art to bring attention and activism to Native stories.