"The traveling mini-exhibition aims to gather a snap-shot of contemporary cultural production.
Editors collect items and contributions are ongoing." (From site.)
"Our Bookshelf is a social network where people can share their
ebooks as easily as they can share print books. At the moment, most
copyrighted ebooks don't allow you to share them. This is because when
you buy an ebook you don't own the book the way you own a print book.
You own a license to read it on certain devices and most of these
licenses prohibit sharing. We plan to create a new license that does
Find the Future: The Game is a pioneering, interactive experience created especially for NYPL’s Centennial by famed game designer Jane McGonigal, with Natron Baxter and Playmatics.
"The Uni Project aims to do one thing and do it well: temporarily
transform almost any available urban space into a public reading room
and venue for learning. We start with the conviction that books and
learning should be prominent, accessible, and part of what we expect at
street-level in our cities." (From site.)
The book bloc constitutes a line of demonstrators holding cardboard-polyurethane-and-foam shields that are made to resemble giant book covers. This tactic tends to be used in actions that oppose neoliberal reform of education and libraries, especially in the form of austerity measures.