Jorge Rodríguez-Gerarda is a cuban Artist that was born in 1966. One of his projects was naed Expectations in which he did with sand and grave a massive image of Barack Obama, as a way to reflect all what this presidential candidate representated in terms of change.
What is Art for Social Change?
There are many ways of defining art for social change. In each of these cases, art for social change strives toward effective engagement with social issues that integrate and celebrate imaginative thinking, helping people to find new ways to see and be engaged in the world. In the context of the ASC Project, three types of art for social change are considered:
It started as an experiment: what happens when you equip a vibrant youth community with the resources to express themselves through hip hop and electronic music? Last summer I traveled to Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo to find out and the results were more beautiful than I could have imagined.
Founded in April 2011, Young Women for Change (YWC) is an independent non-profit organization committed to empowering Afghan women and improving their lives through social, economical , political empowerment, participation, awareness and advocacy.
YWC was co-founded by Noorjahan Akbar and Anita Haidary and consists of dozens of volunteer women and male advocates across Afghanistan.
Find the Future: The Game is a pioneering, interactive experience created especially for NYPL’s Centennial by famed game designer Jane McGonigal, with Natron Baxter and Playmatics.
This project was made by the foundation Obra Social la Caixa with the intention to change the conversation and strategies while working with youngsters. Before this initiative, say the Director Claudio Zulian, the foundation would speak only about the lives of these girls and boys. However, they decided to involve them inside other stories as actors of a film project.
Afrika ARTS Kollective is a group of artists that decided to face Uganda's demographic growth and the garbage problem of the capital, Kamala, with art. 30,000 tons of residues come out of this monthly and the Administration is being working on healthy and good environmental behaviors among citizens.