Hok Kolorob. Let there be noise.
It was perhaps these two words of protest that eventually led to the arrest of two engineering students for allegedly molesting a fellow student at Kolkata’s Jadavpur University last month.
School desks placed by parents, district graduates and activists block a street in front of the Los Angeles Unified School District headquarters in a demonstration against student dropout rates Tuesday, April 8, 2014, in downtown Los Angeles. Protest organizers say the 375 desks are there to represent the 375 students who drop out of the district every week during the school year.
'Casseroles'protests, based on the tradition of 'cazerolazo,' consists of protesting by banging on pots and pans in the street. This took place in May of 2012 in Montreal and across Quebec, in response to the government's proposed tuition increases and the controversial "Bill 78" passed to control and dissuade dissent.
On the morning of April 24th, 2014, members of NYU's chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine signed into several NYU dorms and slipped eviction notices under all of the doors. The eviction notices were written to raise awareness about the eviction of Palestinians from their homes by the Israeli government and stated very clearly at the bottom of the page that they were not real.
CORPUS CHRISTI — Many Flour Bluff ISD students have developed an extracurricular activity that takes their education to the streets, to social media and toward a path of change: activism.Much of the students' passion stems from the April 1 suicide of 16-year-old Ted "Teddy" Molina, a former Flour Bluff Independent School District student.Ted's family has attributed his death to bullying.
SEALDs, short for Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy (自由と民主主義のための学生緊急行動, Jiyū to minshu shugi no tame no gakusei kinkyū kōdō), was a student activist organisation in Japan that organised protests against the ruling coalition headed by Prime Minister Shinzō Abe in 2015 and 2016. Its focus was on the security-related bills enacted in 2015 that allow the Japanese Self-Defense Force to be deployed overseas.