Abortion Clinic - Ship Campaigns 1 Favorite 



Jun 11 2001



Women on Waves sails a ship to countries where abortion is illegal. With the use of a ship, early medical abortions (till 61/2 weeks of pregnancy) can be provided safely, professionally and legally. Applicability of national penal legislation, and thus also of abortion law, extends only to territorial waters; outside that 12-mile radius (or 2 hours sailing) it is thus Dutch law that applies on board the ship, which means that all their activities are legal.

Millions of women worldwide have used Mifepristone and Misoprostol to terminate pregnancy with impressive safety and efficacy. Therefore the medicines have been on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines since 2005.

Women on Waves has already created enormous public interest in its efforts and has completed successful campaigns in Ireland (2001), Poland (2003,) and Portugal (2004), Spain (2008), Morocco (2012), Guatemala (2-2017) and Mexico (4-2017).

Posted by kmurphy1189 on

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