"Amèrikan Takes Over the Fashion New World" Favorite 



Apr 21 2018


Saint Petersburg FL

Originally written for the Onion, “Amèrikan Takes Over the Fashion New World,” is an article that speaks of a fictitious company that has broken through the clothing market. This company was created as a way to inform the consumer of the appropriation different companies often get away with due to their consumers lack of knowledge.
Going so far as to overtly state that they indeed appropriate, they do so in parts of the shopping experience where consumers pay minimal attention or thought. However, the goal for those who do notice is to question what these brands represent and if they wish to continue to support them.

"Amèrikan Takes Over the Fashion New World"

SAINT PETERSBURG, FL—Hitting the retail market this fall, up and coming fashion giant Amèrikan has just released their new spring collection, The Colonizer. This collection features pieces that once represented beautiful and meaningful aspects of other cultures and turned them into more marketable and trendy items that add an exotic twist to your wardrobe. Starting with their cropped jacket the Asian, the Asian is the embodiment of several Americans’ view on different countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea, as nothing more than Asian or Chinese. A new fan favorite, this jacket pulls its structure from the jeogori of Korean folk wear, and the kanji of the Japanese alphabet to create a piece that is visually interesting and fun. Amèrikan uses this interest to distract their consumers from learning the truth and gaining maximum profit. They even go so far as to call their consumers idiots, but do such an excellent job misdirecting them, that almost no one has filed complaints against the company. Be on the lookout for this sinister clothing brand, because if you’re going to be wrong, you might as well look good doing so.

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