DC Comics to Publish Comic Books about Privilege and Power 1 Favorite
Following in the strong tradition of using graphic novels to explore social ills, DC Comics is releasing two new politically activist issues in their "New 52" series.
The first is called "The Movement" and is written by Gail Simone. Simone describes that "The Movement is an idea I’ve had for some time. It’s a book about power–who owns it, who uses it, who suffers from its abuse."
The second new release is called "Green Team" and is by Art Baltazer and Franco. "Green Team" centers on the issue of wealth as a means of entry to power, even in the world of DC Superheros. As Art explains, "the real question is: Can money buy you anything in the DC universe? Would it make you powerful? Can it make you a hero? Can money make you…Super?" Franco goes on to ask: "If you had unlimited wealth, could you use that to make the lives of people better? Would you help your fellow man? Would you buy powers? You need to read this and find out."
Both comic books will be available in May 2013.