Designers launch ‘Bolsocaro’ campaign to criticize price increase in Brazil Favorite
From a distance they look like supermarket promotion ads, but up close, the text says the reverse: it details the skyrocketing food prices.
This is the proposal of the action “Bolsocaro”, which spread posters (those known as lambe-lambes) by walls in different regions of the São Paulo capital accompanied by phrases such as “It’s very expensive”, “It’s in Bolsonaro’s account” and “This account it is not ours.
The initiative, carried out by a group of designer friends went viral on social networks. Politicians in opposition to President Jair Bolsonaro (without a party) shared the images, such as Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), Ciro Gomes (PDT) and Manuela d’Ávila (PCdoB). Group members, located by the report of the sheet, say they do not want to have the names disclosed. Anonymity, they say, is intended to keep the campaign independent and preserve the group’s security, according to a member of the sheet. He claims that designers have already suffered attacks inside and outside the president’s supporter networks.
To produce the arts, the group did research on supermarket shelves. According to Ipea (Institute of Applied Economic Research), in the last 12 months, the price of the food and beverage group accumulated a rise of 14.81%, while fuels registered an increase of 4.45%. For this year, the institute revised the food inflation expectation from an increase of 3% to 4.4%. The reasons, according to Ipea, are the rise in international commodity prices and the worsening scenario for the exchange rate. Pressured by food, the IPCA (National Consumer Price Index) should end the year at 3.7%, an increase above the 3.5% previously forecast and above the center of the inflation target for 2021. For the year, electricity and fuels are expected to have a greater impact than initially expected due to the more valued exchange rate and high oil prices – Ipea’s projection for the category went from 4% to 4.4%.