The Monument Quilt Project Favorite 

The Monument Quilt is a large quilt that serves as a memorial for survivors of rape and abuse. It contains over 3,000 stories from individuals who have experienced gender-based violence, and allows visitors to add their own stories by writing, painting, or stitching onto red fabric. The project took place over a span of six years, during which the organizers traveled to 49 states and 33 cities in the U.S. and Mexico to display sections of the quilt and gather stories. The full quilt was eventually displayed on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. from May 31st to June 2nd, 2019.
The Monument Quilt was inspired by Rebecca Nagle and Hannah Brancato, artists based in Baltimore, Maryland, and organized by the activist group FORCE. The idea behind the project was to provide a space for survivors of gender-based violence to have their experiences recognized and validated, and to raise awareness about the issue of sexual violence. The organizers sought to create a public monument similar to those dedicated to war veterans, in the hope of helping survivors overcome the mental trauma associated with their experiences. The project aimed to support and empower survivors, rather than shame or discredit them.

Posted by Renee Tian on

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