While this protest draws quick and reactive attention and awareness to the issue at hand; it does fail to make clear the message that they intend to protest. The audience, which seems to be the general public, may focus on the scandal of the protest. The the vulgar display people as a bloody pieve of meat. Yet, these shocking images do draw the viewer to the cruel way animals are handled by the meat industry.
At ‘Arcadia Earth,’ Dazzle Illuminates Danger
Using augmented reality, virtual reality and installations of light and art, the creators of this pop-up exhibition hope to inspire action on climate change.
By Laurel Graeber
Oct. 23, 2019
The creators of “Arcadia Earth” want to awaken your conscience. But they also plan to make that guilt trip extraordinarily fun.
On October 2nd 2012, World Farmed Animals Day, three animal rights activists in Israel got branded with a hot steel brand, in the same way that farmed animals are branded in factory farms.
On April 23rd, in commemoration of the International Day for Animals in Laboratories, Animal Equality's activists in Rome, Madrid, Barcelona and many other cities across Europe carried out demonstrations against animal testing.
Naked members of the animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) impersonated cellophane-wrapped meat packages in a pro-vegan demonstration demonizing the way the meat industry treats animals in front of a Vancouver slaughterhouse.
According to Direct Action Everywhere, activist Matt Johnson was able to get booked on Bartiromo’s show as Smithfield Foods’ new CEO and President Dennis Organ. During the interview, he warned viewers that factory farms like the ones Smithfield operates could create the next pandemic, without raising any suspicion from Bartiromo, who simply plowed forward with the segment.
Creative Graffiti at the Urban Culture Festival in Germany
By Loredana Loy
A street art project by by KD Key Detail from Minsk, Belarus--created and featured at the IBUg 2013 Urban Culture Festival in Zwickau, Germany.
The project is entitled "Bon Appetit." Images speak louder than words. Links and photos below.