"Medicine Man," a mobile sculpture that MAKE ART/STOP AIDS commissioned from San Francisco-based artists Daniel Goldstein and John Kapellas. The piece is constructed of pill bottles that Goldstein and Kapellas, and their partners, saved up from treatment regimens dating as far back as 1985. The artists assembled the bottles in the shape of the Virgin of Guadalupe, with an aureole of syringes arrayed around her body in a halo.
Up Against the Wall: Art, Activism, and the AIDS Poster is the traveling version of the first major exhibition devoted to the University of Rochester's collection of HIV/AIDS-related posters. It illustrates to a broad audience that "AIDS affects everyone" and through the use of language and imagery, shows how messaging and information around HIV is shared to different groups, audiences, and people throughout the world.
Keith Haring is known to be one of the biggest artists raising awareness for HIV and AIDS, considering he had also passed away from HIV. Starting his career covering ads with spray paint and chalk in subway stations in New York City, his work started trending and he became an activist for this cause.
Gao Yaojie (Chinese: 高耀潔, Gao Yaojie; 19 December 1927 – 10 December 2023) was a Chinese gynecologist, academic, and AIDS activist based in Zhengzhou, Henan, China. Gao was honoured for her work by the United Nations and Western organizations whilst spending time under house arrest.
To change Bostwana’s regional misconceptions about HIV, Kesego Basha-Muebli, founded the Miss HIV stigma free pageant. A pageant designed for women who are currently receiving health and wellness counseling and HIV antiretroviral treatment to come out to their friends and family as being HIV positive.