“The real wealth of the Nation,” marine biologist and author Rachel Carson wrote in her courageous 1953 protest letter, “lies in the resources of the earth — soil, water, forests, minerals, and wildlife… Their administration is not properly, and cannot be, a matter of politics.” Carson’s legacy inspired the creation of Earth Day and the founding of the Environmental Protection Agency, whose hard-won environmental regulations are now being undone in the
Empathy may be the cornerstone of any Global Justice movement, but how do we cultivate the conditions for empathy to thrive?
The wheelbarrow symbolises something universally useful, practical and pleasingly straightforward. A space to deliver things in an efficient and direct manner - no packaging and completely people powered.
The work of Marcela Cantuária (b. 1991, Rio de Janeiro; lives in Rio de Janeiro) often portrays female figures who navigate regional, international, and social boundaries. Often highlighting symbols from tarot and astrology as well as themes that reflect political and environmental activism in Latin America, she weaves narratives of social spheres, political associations, and ethereal wishes.
We set up a gazebo and table in a public park. The gazebo had two notice boards in the shape of trees where reflections were encouraged. We had a sign with the name of the action "Fall in Love With Nature" painted upon it. On the table were resource lists for the public to take away with links to books and websites on the topic of forest bathing and connecting with nature.
Notice Nature was a public engagement action undertaken by participants in the Erasmus+ funded training 'Creativity and Change: Empathy 2 Action - nurturing response-able global citizens' which took place in Cork from 8th - 13th April 2017. The team members were Marie-Michele Tessier, Aoife Dare, Ann Foulds, Zsofi Toth and Claire Faithorn.