Design4Peace is a collection of political posters created by Leslie Dwyer. Images speak to issues of war and peace, prisons, solidarity and movement, immigration, economy and class, violence against women, ecology, agriculture, racism, and gender. Leslie works with movement and educational organizations, such as Veterans for Peace and Teaching for Change to support their work visually.
The average crow takes less than two hours to travel from Sing Sing maximum-security prison to the Whitney Museum of American Art, institutions separated by just 32 miles of land along New York’s Hudson river. Yet few humans journey between them – museums and prison are at opposite ends of our society’s self-imaginings, and their populations tend not to intersect.
"WILD: Act I" is a film demonstrating the power of creativity in constraint. Using moving choreography performed by Elijah Lancaster and vivid imagery displayed on three walls in a mock cell, Jeremy McQueen gives voice to young Black and Brown men caught in the criminal 'justice' system.