MonsterSanto extolls the virtues of GMO's while his Money Head Clones offer the crowd free samples. President Bomblast entertains the crowd attempting to juggle Peace, Jobs, and Truth. A food fight breaks out.
India Ink [Blog]
The New York Times Global Edition
April 4, 2012
By Neha Thirani
The women of Gurgaon, angered by the recent incidents of violent crimes against women in the outsourcing boom town, are calling for a “Girlcott.”
The Bread and Puppet Theater was founded in 1963 by Peter Schumann on New York City’s Lower East Side. Besides rod-puppet and hand puppet shows for children, the concerns of the first productions were rents, rats, police, and other problems of the neighborhood. More complex theater pieces followed, in which sculpture, music, dance and language were equal partners. The puppets grew bigger and bigger.
The snapshots are thrust at us urgently, as if they were passports being shown at a border crossing, official proofs of national identity. Mostly, they are prosaic pictures of family members or houses. Sometimes a diploma will be offered up instead, or theater reviews clipped from newspapers or a membership card to a duck-hunting club. Later, other, more frightening, pictures will be shown, but they all serve the same function.
Is there a way to make sex ed, big, scary, nasty, icky, sex ed, fun again? In the Spring Quarter of of 2013, UCLA students in the Sex Squad, a performance troupe dedicated to injecting a dose of humor into high school sex education, set out to answer that question through a series of short videos.
Zimmerman a composer who uses art, dance, tech, and even robots in his shows. You might call this interdisciplinary. Wagner called it total art, or gesamtkunstwerk.
In 2009, conservative Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi demoted the publicly-funded Italian Theatre Insitute (or ETI) to "disposable" status, hacking funding for the arts considerably. ETI promoted Italian companies abroad, managed the Teatro della Pergola in Florence, the Duse theatre in Bologna, and Rome's Teatro Valle--the oldest theatre in Rome, located between the Pantheon and Piazza Navona, Campo dei Fiori and the Senate.
The DREAM Act Union is a collective of theater artists, educators and activists working to raise awareness about the challenges faced by immigrant youth and the DREAM Act through the creation of theatrical events and partnerships that connect artists and audiences to the broader social movement. DREAM Act Union is a project conceived by playwright Chiori Miyagawa for Re/Union Company.
Creative Time, Social Practice Archive: In 1989 actress/writer Rhodessa Jones was conducting classes at the San Francisco County Jail. Working with female inmates, she developed material for a performance piece called Big Butt Girls, Hard-Headed Women based on their lives and shared experiences.
Even if the idea of interactive theater gives you hives, you can still find amusement, and perhaps enlightenment, at Forum Theatre’s “The T Party,” a bold and inventive exploration of gender identity by local writer-director Natsu Onoda Power. The play begins as a progressive party you’ll be encouraged to join, but fear not. You can remain a mere observer.