“The Split”, 26"H x 20"W x 18"D (aluminum, physics books, iPod running a countdown timer program, light, shadow) uses the shadow of a “High School Physics” book to represent World Trade Center, Building #7 that fell into its own footprint at free fall speed (6.5 seconds) on the afternoon of September 11, 2001. We were told that fire caused it to fall, but that is impossible and defies the basic Laws of Physics.
"If you want something different, do something really different."
And they did it!
Spain, January 1st 2013, an anonymous device was launched through the networks combining a communication guerrilla with a political-electoral aesthetic. The video used for take-off went viral receiving 200.000 visits in 48h: https://youtu.be/90deuJiQfTw
Actor and comedian Jim Carrey has always been known for his slapstick silliness. You know the films — "Dumb and Dumber," "The Mask," "Liar Liar," "Ace Ventura," just to name a few.
But he also always managed to peel back the comic goofiness for more serious turns in films like "The Truman Show" and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
"A few months ago artists John Peña, Jon Rubin, and Dawn Weleski opened Conflict Kitchen, a take-out restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries that the United States is in conflict with. Nowadays the Iranian food is served at the counter. More precisely, the kubideh, a dish made of grilled ground meat in freshly baked barbari bread with onion, mint, and basil.
Following in the strong tradition of using graphic novels to explore social ills, DC Comics is releasing two new politically activist issues in their "New 52" series.
The first is called "The Movement" and is written by Gail Simone. Simone describes that "The Movement is an idea I’ve had for some time. It’s a book about power–who owns it, who uses it, who suffers from its abuse."