Huntsville Fighting Covid 1 Favorite 



Apr 7 2020


Huntsville AL

Destin from the Youtube channel Smarter Every Day has started the "Hunstville Fighting Covid" website in order to mobilize and teach those who have 3D printers how to print Personal Protective Equipment to aid medical professionals fighting the COVID-19 epidemic. He has mobilized his own community in Hunstville with this, but the purpose of the website is to enable anyone with a 3D printer to contribute to the PPE supply as he has provided 3D printing files as well as a Youtube guide on how to print the equipment.

Posted by jassim on

Staff rating: 

I rated this project at a "4" because that was the contributor's educated guess on the the project's effectiveness. Why do you think it is/was not as effective? Describe what creative tactics Destin and Smarter Every Day used to inspire viewers to take action?


How does this project help?

Timeframe For change


The project has only been up for around a day and thus there is no information on if any PPEs have been 3D printed yet , but Destin's Youtube guide has already garnered 200,000 views and people have commented that they will be following this project's guides in order to help.