Topic: Displaced people
Concept: Explore and communicate some of the issues around displacement in a global, European and Irish context.
Date of action: 11th March 2.30 to 4.20 pm
Place: Emmett Place, Cork City, Ireland
Street activity to encourage small actions to help the bees at a local level that can impact on a global scale. By engaging the public in badge making we aimed to connect the head, hands and heart. We did this by providing a leaflet with information about the bees, badge making and encouraging people to take small actions. We did this as part of the Creativity and Change course, for more information on the course see below.
Brainstorm of ideas and collection of the group individual experiences and input.
Preparation and design of the action.
Interview of a member of local organization that is working with homeless.
Research of data,concrete stories.
Build up the scenario to establish the environment to raise awareness of the rising local issue of homeless, specifically female homeless and their challenges in daily life.