Step Into My Shoes And Sit In My Seat Favorite 


Mar 11 2017


Cork City Ireland

Topic: Displaced people
Concept: Explore and communicate some of the issues around displacement in a global, European and Irish context.
Date of action: 11th March 2.30 to 4.20 pm
Place: Emmett Place, Cork City, Ireland

We placed footsteps on the ground marked "Step Into My Shoes" leading into a board installation set up with graphics and details about global human displacement as well as the situation facing asylum seekers in Ireland today.
Facts and figures about the profit making direct provision (detention) centres as well as details about the draconian rights to work in Ireland as opposed to across the rest of Europe.
We chalked out the rough dimensions of one family room in the direct provision system on the pavement and invited people to step into that space and imagine themselves there.
We had cards printed with details of individuals who we knew (and had permission from) who had come through the direct provision system and invited people to sit in our space to read these and reflect, under the legend "Sit In My Seat".
Finally we had paper bunting washing lines with the opportunity for people to record a personal action they would take or a message of hope they would like to share.

CIT CCAD’s Creativity & Change programme is about creativity and its power to ignite empathy, passion and learning about our interconnected and interdependent world. It is about imagining more humane, just and viable ways to live in the world.
It connects how we think, live and act in the world and considers how we can live as connected global citizens becoming part of the changes we want to see in the world
This programme is for artists, community workers, youth workers, activist’s educators, volunteers and anyone who is interested in exploring the connection between creativity, learning and change.
With in the programme participants engage in live projects developing, exchanging and testing processes and ideas to engage others with their sense of Global citizenship and global justice themes.
Creativity and Change offers a number of modes of engagement, from accredited awards, international residential programmes and taster courses to continued professional development events.

Posted by ascallan on

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