This Ain't a Eulogy: A Ritual for Re-Membering 1 Favorite 



Apr 30 2016


New York, NY

"This Ain't a Eulogy" is both a staged performance and a durational, outdoor, public performance that reclaims and takes public space. The artist statement is as follows:

"Moved by the non-indictments of the police officers responsible for the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, This Ain't A Eulogy: A Ritual for Re-Membering draws parallels between discarded materials and the violent treatment of Black people in the United States. In this post-Ferguson moment, I am imagining how to recycle the energy of protest, rage, and grief into creating a world where, indeed, Black lives matter."

On April 30 , 2016, Lindley performed this piece in the north west corner of Washington Square Park in collaboration with the Free University and Reclaim and Rename. She wrote out the names of nearly 100 unarmed black people who have been recently murdered by the police on the side walk as she dressed in recycled materials made of trash bags.

Posted by andrea_gordillo on