Day after Debt Favorite 



Nov 23 2014


United States

The artist conceived the project as a collaborative exhibition featuring five art-as-response pieces to the student loan crisis and the pressure it causes upon graduates. In its original version, Öğüt invited Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Superflex, Dan Perjovschi, Martha Rosler to present sculptures as collection points for public contribution to The Debt Collective, a student-debt canceling initiative launched by Strike Debt's Rolling Jubilee. Artworks were installed in museum public spaces such as corridors and entrance ways.
To complete the project, Öğüt collaborated with a lawyer to write a Letter of Agreement between the artists and potential owners of the pieces, which states the possibility to continue raising funds for the Debt Collective through the artworks. Earnings must be donated to Strike Debt to buy back students’ loan.

All information from Arte´Útil

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