Hunter's Poppet 1 Favorite
Hate hunting? Want to do something creative to protect wildlife and affect positive change? The Hunter's Poppet is a witch-craftivism intervention, free to use and share. A 'poppet' is a ritual object made to represent a human figure, charged with a specific intention. This set of instructions with images guides you in making your own poppet to place safely in an outdoor area. The intention of the Hunter's Poppet is to energetically alter the intentions of those who support or participate in hunting for pleasure or profit. It has been designed to be placed in public areas where organised 'leisure' shoots take place – to subtly disrupt and transform the core ideas, habits and beliefs that sustain such cruel and violent performances of species dominance.
You can find the instructions here:
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It has been made by writer and artist Rebecca Sharp:
Alongside her core practice as a writer, Rebecca practices witch-craftivism and tarot, which have both informed this project.