Project Impact Favorite 



Mar 1 2013


New York

Project IMPACT is an 8-week leadership-through-storytelling workshop for teen survivors of commercial sexual exploitation. The goal of Project IMPACT is to introduce survivors to the idea that sharing their stories is a powerful advocacy tool that can impact the legislative process and work to combat sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Project IMPACT also strives to help survivors understand that survivor storytelling is a choice- and the survivor gets to select if, when and how she wants to share her story. Project IMPACT’s pilot program featured guest speakers Amy Paulin, Assembly Sponsor or the New York Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act, and a television news correspondent. The program culminated in a trip to Albany where the survivors lobbied legislatures for the Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act. This program has been funded by the New York Women’s Foundation and done in partnership with Equality Now, The Arts Effect, JCCA and the New York Anti Trafficking Coalition.

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