Trash Tycoon: A Game about "Upcycling" Favorite 



Sep 1 2011


Trash Tycoon is an upcycling social network game developed by Guerillapps. The game applies traditional social gameplay features to highlight real-world issues such as waste, water, and “green” activities. Gameplay includes cleaning trash, recycling, and constructing products and decorations out of recycled material. The game shares a number of partnerships with real world companies, including TerraCycle,, TreeHugger, and Kraft Foods.

In Trash Tycoon, players collect litter in a city covered in trash and upcycle waste into valuable, environmentally friendly products. You can create a variety of items such as jewelry, toys and furniture, which you can either keep for yourself or sell for “profit”. The game’s production processes reflect the goals and activities of sponsor and partner TerraCycle, a company that provides solution programs for waste that is typically non-recyclable. The 23 million people who participate in TerraCycle’s recycling programs and Trash Tycoon earn points in the game for every piece of waste they collect and return to TerraCycle in real life. These points convert to special bonuses including in-game money, special decorative items, or exclusive badges that allow players to show in-game friends their “Greenness“ habits outside of the game.

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Excerpt From Mashable article "4 Big Trends for Future of Sustainable Tech":

How could any self-respecting trend list not include gamification? The buzzy term simply refers to the practice of applying game mechanics — like leveling, rewards and competition — to any experience. Gamification has appeared pretty much everywhere from Rihanna’s new album to network television shows such as The Voice to fan experiences like the website for the L.A. Kings and more.

Brands and companies have realized that friendly competition and metered rewards are a great way to get people interested and engaged in a product. Green initiatives are getting wise as well. Games such as Trash Tycoon challenge players to recycle their way to victory whereas sites such as myenergy, recyclebank or DailyFeats encourage users to reduce their energy consumption or improve their green actions by offering light competition and relevant rewards for eco-behavior.

Posted by thelonious on

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