Actor and comedian Jim Carrey has always been known for his slapstick silliness. You know the films — "Dumb and Dumber," "The Mask," "Liar Liar," "Ace Ventura," just to name a few.
But he also always managed to peel back the comic goofiness for more serious turns in films like "The Truman Show" and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
"Dark Side of the Prism" is a Firefox Add-on that provides a soundtrack for our surveilled internet meanderings.
The public recently learned that the US National Security Agency's on-going internet surveillance program, Prism, collects data from users of major websites.
David Černý has been called "l'enfant terrible" of Czech art. Since 1991, Černý continues to produce some of Czech Republic’s most famous political sculptures. His grand sculptures are almost always mocking the system through humor. Many of his well-known pieces remain as public art and have sparked much conversation. Examples of these can be found littered around Prague.
<br> April 9, 2012 By Sarah Vrba
There have been regular protests in Moscow in the wake of Vladimir Putin’s re-election to the presidential seat in March. Early last month, thousands of protesters gathered in downtown Moscow in response to what they felt were rigged elections in favor of Putin. Over the last month, organizers have faced an uphill battle as they have attempted to keep protesters motivated.
In response to Spain's increasingly restrictive legislation limiting access to abortion in the country, a group of art activists known for their bold, disruptive flair are taking action.
The immediate prototypes of Zhang Xiaogang’s Big Family series are formal group photographic portraits from the 1950’s and 60’s, including those of Zhang’s own family, a source of the painter’s “endless reveries.” From these old black-and-white pictures Zhang Xiaogang derived the series’ paradigmatic features: a subdued, nearly monochromatic palette; a thickly layered but flat surface, without overt evidence of brushwork; a general compositional restric
A performance of empathy, democracy and power, created fresh in each city where it is presented, with local artists, activists, government officials and other citizens.
The project takes as its departure point the formal structures of local government. An emphasis on the formal elements helps us engage, play, critique and enliven, among other things.
The duo Libia Castro (b. 1970) & Ólafur Ólafsson (b. 1973) are the recipients of the Art Prize 2021 for their collective performance with the Magic Team In Search of Magic - A Proposal for a New Constitution for The Republic of Iceland.
On September 16, 1932, in his cell at Yerwada Jail in Pune, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi begins a hunger strike in protest of the British government’s decision to separate India’s electoral system by caste.
Come across a poster like the two above on your commute recently? Laid out in classic MTA style, but adorned with Orwellian imagery and an appropriately ambiguous hashtag, they warn of two possible hazards to your health: an upcoming “airborne non-toxic test” in which the NYPD will disperse “harmless, colorless gas” around the five boroughs, and an at-risk nuclear reactor that’s just 28 miles from NYC.
The streets of Santiago are once again alive with the spirit of revolution. For weeks now, working-class Chileans have occupied national monuments and blocked major intersections in protest of widespread inequality. They desire full reform — a request so long in the making that it is practically tradition. The country’s floundering political elite offer half measures while dispatching riot police and the military.
Alley Cat Books, located in the heart of San Francisco's Mission District, is ordinarily a quiet space for book lovers to peruse multicolored shelves for their next literary adventure. But on Sunday, the small bookstore buzzed with energy as a group of leggings-clad Bay Area residents protested Donald Trump's presidency in the form of a sweaty cardio workout.
Celeste Caeiro, who on April 25, 1974, handed out red carnations to soldiers on their way to ending a 40-year right-wing dictatorship in Portugal, a spontaneous patriotic act that gave a largely bloodless coup its name, the Carnation Revolution, and her an enduring appellation, “the Lady of the Carnations,” died on Friday in Lisbon. She was 91.
The campaign bus was attracting funny looks. On its side was the by now all-too-familiar last name of the Republican presidential frontrunner. Somewhere inside the castle-shaped hotel next door, Donald Trump was holding court, as hundreds awaited another rally of bombast and branding.
Recently, residents in the coastal city of Ningbo rallied to oppose the expansion of a plant that produces paraxylene (PX), a potentially hazardous chemical used in the production of plastics and polyester. Protesters organized using microblogs and other social media and turned out over several days in demonstrations of people power that sometimes met with violent confrontations with police.
In Shanghai, a vigil grew into a street protest where many held blank sheets of white paper in a symbol of tacit defiance.
In Beijing, students at Tsinghua University raised signs showing a math equation devised by the Russian physicist Alexander Friedmann, whose surname in Chinese is a homonym for “free man.”
Colorful portrait of a Muslim woman wearing an American flag colored head scarf. Image on back of a woman with a rose in her hair in black and white with text that states, "We are resilient. We are indivisible. We are greater than fear. We will defend dignity. We will protect each other." -- "The We the People campaign aims to restore hope, imagination, curiosity, and creativity into our country’s dialogue.
From ReutersBy Vladimir SoldatkinHackers temporarily blocked President Vladimir Putin's web site on
Wednesday, carrying out a promise to disrupt government information
portals two days after his swearing-in for another six-year term that
has drawn street protests. The hacker activist
group Anonymous used the "Op_Russia" twitter account to publicize the
Jews For Palestinian Right of Return
January 1, 2013
“For Palestinians, the right to return home and the right to live in dignity and equality in their own land are not any less important than the right to live free of military occupation.”
–Prof. Saree Makdisi[1]
For more than a century, Zionists have sought to construct a “Jewish state” through forced removal of the indigenous Palestinian people.
Comic artist Huda Fahmy has been breaking down walls with her hilarious comic "Yes, I'm Hot in This."
In her own words, "What started as my therapeutic way of dealing with the Islamophobia and prejudice I encounter on the daily has now turned into this amazing opportunity to tell the story of the American hijabi."
The initiators collaborated with the Street Vendor Project (SVP) of the Urban Justice Center to campaign against New York City Council Member Jessica Lappin’s 2010 law project. The bill, intended to revoke permits issued to street vendor trucks if they got parking tickets, was so restrictive that it threatened to put most food trucks out of business.
In keeping with his activist turn on 2016’s 4 Your Eyez Only, J. Cole’s new album, KOD, is an exploration of addiction. The title has three different meanings that all speak to this aim: Kids On Drugs, King OverDosed, and Kill Our Demons. Each feeds into the next in this narcotic odyssey.
Around 300 police buses were mobilized by the South Korean police to put up a wall on October 3 in central Seoul. More than 11,000 police officers were deployed, and there was minimal public access to Gwanghwamun Square. Subways did not stop at stations near the square, while drivers and pedestrians were stopped and asked for their destinations.
Haeryun Kang reported the following for NPR on February 24, 2016:
"On the eve of South Korean President Park Geun-hye's third anniversary in office, protesters gathered in Seoul... to condemn the administration's increasing crackdown on free speech. These protesters were unlike any others Seoul has seen. They were holograms"
This action took place on the Saturday after the 2020 US election when Joe Biden was named the president elect. While many were celebrating, the Stonewall Protests led up to march and remind ourselves + others that our fight was still far from over, and that the Democratic party is not a savior of marginalized populations. There were moments of celebration during the march, we paused in Soho and had a dance circle.